• Microblading is a semi-permanent tattooing technique that creates the look of fuller and more defined brows. In contrast to traditional tattoos, microblading utilizes a tiny, hand-held needle that produces natural hair-like strokes by depositing pigment into the superficial layers of the skin.

    Microblading results can last anywhere between 1-3 years, though touch-ups are necessary to maintain brow definition and vibrancy of color, both of which will diminish as your skin naturally exfoliates. The advantage of microblading over traditional tattooing is that the pigment is less harsh and will gradually fade rather than change color, maintaining a more natural appearance.

  • Your first microblading procedure will take approximately 2.5-3 hours.

    It will include:

    • A review of your lifestyle and medical history to determine any factors that might affect your results or the safety of the procedure, such as skin type or the use of certain supplements*

    • A consultation with your stylist about your personal brow challenges, how you’d like your brows to look, and your preferred color. Your stylist will make recommendations regarding brow shape and pigment colors to help you achieve your best possible results.

    • Your stylist will draw a mock-up of your brows on your face with a washable pencil so that you can review and agree to your proposed brow design. Once you are happy with the design, your procedure will begin.

    *You will be required to sign a consent form before the procedure

  • Yes. It’s important that you return 4-6 weeks after the procedure once your brows have had a chance to fully heal. Your stylist will assess your brows at this time and do any necessary minor touch-ups:

    • Certain areas may not pick the pigment up during the first session and will need to be refilled.

    • The pigment color and/or brow thickness may need to be adjusted, in which case more pigment or strokes can be added.

    • Often, clients with oily skin will require a deeper shade during the touch up session as oil can sometimes lighten the pigment.

    • To sum up, your touch-up session is what gives your stylist an opportunity to refine your results, ensuring that your brows will look perfect and retain their color for the entire year.

    This session takes approximately 1.5-2 hours to complete.

  • For almost all clients, treated brows heal very quickly and easily. The eyebrow area will be slightly red following the procedure and the pigment will appear darker for the first 1-2 weeks. This is normal and all part of the healing process.

    In general, it takes about 7-14 days for the brows to heal, and about one month for the true color to come through. The color will eventually lighten or fade by about 40%.

  • Since microblading pigments are not implanted into skin as deeply as traditional tattoos, the area will fade naturally over time. Each individual’s color retention will vary, but typically results last 1-3 years depending on skin type, age and skincare routine. To keep your brows looking fresh, it’s advisable to get touch-ups every 12-18 months.

    If you are out in the sun a great deal, have oily skin, use retinol products or get chemical peels, you may need to get touch-ups more often, as these will fade your results faster than usual—touch-ups very 6 months to a year is recommended in these cases.

Pre-appointment Instructions


Important: If you need to reschedule, please do so 48 hours prior to appointment to avoid cancellation fees

  • Consume alcohol 24 hours prior to treatment. It is also best to avoid caffeine to minimize bleeding, discharge, and swelling.

  • Use an electrolysis device for at least 5 days leading up to your treatment.

  • Receive fillers or botox for 4 weeks prior to treatment.

  • Be exposed to the sun or do anything that will cause you to sweat excessively. The procedure cannot be done if there is any sunburn in the area to be treated.

  • Take anything that will thin the blood 48 hours prior to treatment unless medically necessary (this includes vitamin E, fish oils, Aspirin, Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Coumadin, Niacin, or other herbal supplements). You must have written permission from your physician if you are taking Coumadin or Heparin.

  • Use Retin A, Retinols, or Retinoids 7 days leading up to your treatment.

  • Schedule treatment unless you have been off Accutane for at least one entire year.

  • Use eyelash or brow growth serum at least 4 weeks prior to your procedure as it can affect pigmentation and sensitivity to treatment.

For your safety DO NOT:

Please be advised that if you receive the treatment while you are on your period, it can make you more sensitive than usual. If you have any pimples, blemishes, skin irritation, or moles in the area to be treated, or if you have an active cold-sore, your appointment will need to be postponed until these issues are resolved. 

Cold-sores: If you have a history of cold sores please take an anti-viral medication, such as Zovirax or Valtrex, 5 days prior to and 5 days following treatment. The procedure cannot be performed if you have an active cold-sore. 

Eye Patients: Please wear your glasses to your appointment. The procedure cannot be performed if you are wearing contacts. If you have had any kind of eye surgery (lasix, cornea, upper or lower blepharoplasty, lens repair etc…) you will need to wait at least 6 months before receiving treatment and may need to provide permission from your doctor.

Aftercare Instructions


You can expect to have some redness, mild tenderness, possible leaking of interstitial fluid, and/or some slight swelling for at least 12 hours following the procedure. If you do experience any leaking of fluid, gently wipe with a clean tissue and distilled or bottled water. Do not touch the area with your fingers.

  • While the treated tissue will heal at different rates for different individuals, you should expect there to be some tenderness for the first few days after the procedure. This is entirely normal. Most people are completely healed in 7-10 days.

  • Do not touch the pigmented areas either with your fingers, unclean cotton swabs or old products. Using anything other than a clean tissue or cotton swab might lead to an infection.

  • The treated area will appear much bolder immediately after the procedure and remain dark for the first 1-2 weeks. Final results from your first visit will not be visible for 4 weeks.

  • Touch-ups should be scheduled between 4-8 weeks following your procedure. All permanent make-up procedures are at least a two-step process. For some people, three steps are required. Final results are not visible until after your follow-up appointments.

  • Please be advised that hormone therapies can affect pigmentation and/or cause some sensitivity at the site of the treatment.

To protect your new brows while they are healing DO NOT:

  • Use a sauna or jacuzzi, swim in a chlorine pool, swim in the ocean, use a facial steamer, or do hot yoga.

  • Expose your brows to the sun as this can fade the pigment. 

  • Wear make-up on the treated area. It may cause an infection.

  • Use Retin-A or other retinol creams. If you choose to resume using these products after you have healed, please be aware that they will fade the pigment prematurely, as will any other lightening or peeling products (AHA’s, vitamin A creams, lactic or glycolic acids). 

  • Receive fillers or botox for at least 4 weeks following your procedure


If you are a blood donor, you may not give blood for one year following any permanent make-up procedure in accordance with Red Cross guidelines.

Although very rare, there may be an immediate or delayed allergic reaction to the pigment or to the anesthesia. It’s your responsibility as the client to schedule a patch test at least 2 weeks prior to the procedure. You will be asked to sign a waiver at the time you take the patch test. By signing the form, you acknowledge that you have both received a patch test and been informed of the possible risks and complications involved in receiving the test and the procedure itself. 



A non refundable deposit of $75 is required to book any Microblading appointment. A $25 deposit is required for skincare services. The deposit will be deducted from the total cost of your treatment which is due the day of your appointment. The remaining balance must be paid in full. I currently accept cash payment, Zelle, and Venmo.

Cancellation policy

Should your appointment need to be canceled or rescheduled, please contact me 48 hours prior to the day of appointment. Cancelling less than 48 hours in advance will result in the forfeit of your deposit. If cancelling or rescheduling of the same appointment occurs more than once, it will be treated as a canceled/missed appointment and will be subjected to cancellation fees and/or the declining of future appointment requests.

Late or missed

I strongly encourage my clients to arrive 5-10 minutes prior to their scheduled appointment.

Please contact me ahead of your appointment time if you are going to be late. After 15 minutes, the appointment will be considered missed and your deposit will be forfeited.

In this case, a new deposit would be required to reschedule your appointment.

Results are not guaranteed

Healed results will vary with each individual client. The treatment will not begin until you decide upon and approve your eyebrow shape. While strictly adhering to the aftercare instructions is crucial, I have no control over the healing process and make NO GUARANTEE about how the healed results will look. Two treatments is usually enough to obtain a natural result, but using a pencil or powder may still be necessary to achieve your desired brow. Individuals who are looking for a more intense result must understand that it may require addition sessions (charged accordingly).

Previous permanent makeup

If you have had your eyebrows previously tattooed or microbladed and are interested in a cover-up/re-work, you MUST email a clear photo to caprilesthetics@gmail.com PRIOR to booking your appointment. I cannot guarantee results for cases such as these and I need to ascertain that the eyebrows are workable.

Color correction

It is recommended that the previous color has faded by 60-80% in order to achieve the best results.